Good news! You can change the vehicle on your policy straight from the Marshmallow app.

  1. Open the app and tap your policy
  2. Tap Update details at the top of the screen
  3. Under Vehicle details, look for Make and model
  4. Tap Edit
  5. Follow the instructions to change your vehicle

Please note: If you're a Marshmallow Lightest or Essential customer, you will be charged a £25 admin fee to make a change to your policy.

📌 Things to remember

  • Watch out for typos on your registration plate. Check your Os and 0s
  • Make sure the make and model in our system matches your vehicle
  • We stop insuring your current car the moment we start insuring the new one. To have both cars insured with Marshmallow, get a new quote for your second car
  • We can only insure cars registered in the UK. We might be able to insure cars imported from another country if it's been registered in the UK

Still no luck? Get in touch! You can reach us by Live Chat, either through the app or the Help page on our website.