Bump! - Privacy Statement

Last changed: October 2022

Our company details

We are Marshmallow Financial Services Limited (“we”, “our”, “us”) and operate under the name of Marshmallow. We’re registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office under number ZA295898.We’re authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under number: 797672

Contact details of DPO

If you would like to speak to our Data Protection Officer you can email dataprotection@marshmallowinsurance.com

What data will we receive?

These are the types of information we will receive when you complete the claims notification form:

Purposes of processing your data and our lawful basis

What we do with the data
Our lawful basis for this
What’s the basis for this?

1. We will use your data to start the claims repair process on your behalf.

Legitimate interests

It is in the interests of all parties involved in a motor incident to process details of the parties involved to begin handling a claim.

2. We will contact your insurer to notify them of the incident.

Legitimate interests

As part of this process we will liaise with your insurer.

Companies we share the data with

Retention period
We will keep your data in line with statutory retention periods relating to motor claims data.

UK GDPR Rights
You can exercise the following rights in relation to your Marshmallow Miles data:

What are your rights?
Examples of when we might not be able to uphold your request

Delete your data: You can ask us to delete the data we hold about you.

1. Data connected to insurance policies you’ve purchased with us will need to be stored for 7 years. This is based on a statutory requirement we have as an insurance company.

2. Where we have identified data in relation to potential fraud we will retain information that is necessary to help us handle this.

Get a copy of your data: You can ask us to provide you with a copy of the data we hold about you.

1. We won’t include information to relating to other people (including Marshmallow employees)

Move your data: You can request for us to send your data to another organisation.

1. We won’t include information to relating to other people (including Marshmallow employees)

Stop your data being used: You can ask us to put a pause on using the data we hold about you.

1. We will continue to process the data to allow us to store it.

2.If we need to continue processing your data so that you can continue using our products and services.

Object to processing: You can object to any direct marketing from us. You can also ask us to justify how our legitimate interests are balanced with your interests.

1. We will consider and respond to all requests to stop processing where we use legitimate interests. If we find that your rights as a data subject are not overridden we may not uphold the request.

2. If we need to continue processing your data so that you can continue using our products and services.

Correct your data: If you find that any data we hold about you is inaccurate you can let our Customer Operations team know on our Live Chat and we’ll update it.

1. In certain circumstances we may need to run additional verification checks about the contested data. 

Right to lodge a complaint with ICO

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or want to make a complaint, please go to our Complaints Policy section. If you're still not happy you can refer your complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office whose website is: www.ico.org.uk and phone number is 0303 123 1113. Our ICO registration number is ZA295898.